Enstars Unit Information

Here you can find the rules for the discord (which are primarily for mod applications and are also accessible through the discord) as well as additional information and mod forms.

Discord Rules

1. Kindness-
Be respectful and welcoming. Harassment of other members is strictly forbidden and will result in a warning; twice will result in being kicked from the group. If a member displays this behavior, please ping a mod if there is not one currently present in the chat.

2. Topics-
Keep discussions in their respective topic channels. Doing so prevents spam and drowning out topic-related messages.

3. Controversy-
Controversial discussions are to be kept out of the server in order to maintain a welcoming environment. However, any form of racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and prejudices of a similar nature will not be tolerated and result in immediate ban.

4. Selling content-
Advertising of sfw material is welcome in the #➳self-promo channel, however discussion of trade and transactions is prohibited. Please discuss details of trades/commissions/giveaways via dms.

5. NSFW-
Heavy NSFW images/media and messages are prohibited. Suggestive and potentially triggering content is to be marked with discord spoiler tags and failure to comply will result in a warning preceded by a ban at the 2nd infringement.

6. Message content-
While tone indicators are not required, use is heavily encouraged. Pinned in #➳general is a list of tone indicators that you may be useful. Typing in fonts is prohibited as screen readers cannot accurately detect the characters within a fonted message.

7. Language-
Please use english as a primary language when messaging in the unit server. This is in place so that mods and leads can accurately moderate messages. Cussing is allowed, however, please avoid use of slurs regardless of if you can reclaim them, as some people may be sensitive to them.

8. Activity-
Monthlies, MEPs, and other events that the server may host are encouraged but not required. Activity will not be managed but you cannot only join the unit to promote your content. If you are found only posting in self promo or dt channels for a period of time, without sending a notice to #➳hiatus-or-leaving , you will be kicked from the unit.

9. Profile-
Please include your name followed by your instagram edit account’s username within your nickname. Your name must be pingable, so fonted names are not allowed. Nicknames and profile pictures may not be explicit, offensive, or inappropriate to a certain extent.

10. Loopholes-
Exploiting loopholes in the rules is prohibited. Please report any abuse of loopholes to mods or leads.


Q: Do I need to play Ensemble Stars to join?
A: No, it is not required, but as this is an enstars based unit it’s highly recommended that you either play the game or watch the anime before joining.

Q: Can I join if I edit with Capcut/Funimate?
A: Yes, 100%! However, if you choose to edit with these applications or something similar, your edits have to be creative; so clip edits with singular transitions are not acceptable.

Q: What edit styles are allowed?
A: Any edit styles are allowed in the unit! However, do keep in mind that recruitment is skill based so clip editing and twixtor styles are less likely to make it in the unit.

Q: How active do I have to be?
A: As stated previously in the rules, activity will not be managed. The only exception to this rule is if a member joins with only self-promo intentions, and will result in a ban.

Mod Forms